Professional Valeting Services & Auto Detailing Training in Mullingar
Private customers
Business customers
Business customers avail of trade price:
Get in touch today 085 814 7947
Interior & body checks with photographing might take place before the work. Please, let us know of any scratches and damages on your vehicle in advance.
We’re now available in the evenings until 8 PM through bookings! If you’d like a Quick or Standard valet after 6 PM, please ring us at 085-814-7947 to schedule in advance and secure your spot. Evening slots are by booking only—looking forward to seeing you!
Takes approx. 2 days
Send an enquiry or call a member of our team if you don't see your desired service or need more information.
Takes approx. 2 days
Takes approx. 2 days (incl. chassis)
Carrycot and Buggy (incl. chassis) deep clean with non-active detergents.
Takes approx. 2 days
Toddler Car Seat, Carrycot and Buggy (incl. chassis) deep clean with non-toxic detergents.
Takes approx. 2 days
Get in touch with us
Trained & experienced
Work time:
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
Mullingar Valeting Centre
Patrick St, Mullingar
Co. Westmeath, N91 HE2K
(Next to Joe Murray Lawnmowers)
Map Location:
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